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Начало Мрежови устройства Ubiquiti Антени EdgeMAX UISP Cable Pro - Екраниран Мрежов Кабел за Външен Монтаж

UISP Cable Pro - Екраниран Мрежов Кабел за Външен Монтаж

TOUGHCable PRO e eкраниран мрежов кабел от висок клас за предлагащ защита на мрежата от неблагоприятни фактори на околната среда. Кабелът е категория 5Е, за външен монтаж с дренажен проводник за отвеждане на нежланото индуцирано напрежение(ESD drain).

24 AWG copper conductor pairs - 4 усукани двойки от медни проводници с 0,511мм диаметър;

26 AWG integrated ESD drain wire to prevent ESD attacks and damage - дренажен проводник с диаметър 0,405мм за предотвратяване на ESD събития и повреди;

• PE outdoor-rated, weatherproof jacket - устойчива на атомсферни условия обвивка;

• Multi-layered shielding - Многослойна екранираща изолация.


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Protect your networks from the most brutal environments with Ubiquiti Networks’ industrial-grade, shielded Ethernet cable, TOUGHCable. Increase Performance Dramatically improve your Ethernet link states, speeds, and overall performance with Ubiquiti TOUGHCables. Extreme Weatherproof Designed for outdoor use, TOUGHCables have been built to perform even in the harshest weather and environments. ESD Damage Protection Protect your networks from devastating electrostatic discharge (ESD) attacks. Extended Cable Support TOUGHCables have been developed to increase power handling performance for extended cable run lengths.

TOUGHCable Connectors Specifi cally designed for use with Ubiquiti TOUGHCables and available in 100-pc. bags, TOUGHCable Connectors protect against ESD attacks and Ethernet hardware damage, while allowing rapid fi eld deployment without soldering. ESD attacks are the leading cause for device failures. The diagram below illustrates the areas vulnerable to ESD attacks in a network. By using a grounded Ubiquiti Power over Ethernet (PoE) Adapter along with Ubiquiti TOUGHCable and TOUGHCable Connectors, you can effectively protect against ESD attacks.